About McGregor Wealth Management

McGregor Wealth Management offers personalised financial planning for six-figure earners who want to ensure they can continue (or exceed) their current lifestyle in retirement.

We have been helping clients on the Sunshine Coast and around Australia
(plus a few overseas) since the year 2000.

Free Strategy Meeting

We Help You Plan For An
Awesome Independent Retirement

We’re passionate about creating “Awesome Independent Retirements” for our clients. However, like many new clients we speak with, you might be wondering two things:

  1. Who exactly are “independent retirees”, and
  2. What is an “Awesome Independent Retirement”?

These are great questions. Let’s look at each one:

Who are “Independent Retirees”?

Independent Retirees are everyday Australians who, using their retirement assets, fund all or part of their retirement. Generally speaking, we categorise self-funded retirees into one of three groups…

  • Partly Self-Funded: Their retirement is partly funded by their own assets (Super and investments between $500k and $1.25M) and partly by Centrelink.
  • Everyday millionaires: They have Super and assets worth $1.25M-$2.5M
  • Done Well: They have Super and assets worth $2.5M to $6M+

What is an “Awesome Independent Retirement”?

An “Awesome Independent Retirement” happens when you have the ability to do the things you love when you retire and aren?t worried about money restraints holding you back.

To be more specific, there are FOUR things I ensure help our clients achieve when they experience their Awesome Independent Retirement?

  1. You Have Enough Money
  2. You Have Enough Time
  3. You Have Peace Of Mind And Confidence
  4. You Have Good Health

Our awards and recognition include:


GPS Wealth’s awards and recognition include:


Our “Why”

We have found that people live happier and more fulfilled lives with more confidence, security and peace of mind when they know they are:

  • taking care of all their financial “stuff”
  • organised and under control when it comes to money
  • affording the lifestyle they enjoy now
  • on track to building, maintaining and protecting the wealth they need to afford to live a satisfying and
  • fulfilling life when work becomes optional (either through retirement or financial independence), and
  • looking after the people and things that are important to them

It gives us great satisfaction to helping our clients get to and maintain this position throughout their lives.

Introducing Our Game Of Money

We love simplifying financial concepts. Together, we’ll use our “Game Of Money” model to determine exactly where you are in your journey to financial freedom… and where you need to move towards to create an awesome independent retirement.

game image

How Our “Real Financial Planning”
Approach Is Different

We all want an Awesome Independent Retirement. But unfortunately, far too many Australians are not making the right decisions today, which will undoubtedly hurt them down the track.

Don’t worry, this isn’t completely your fault. The reality is that many financial planners don’t actually do any financial planning. In fact, you’ve probably already come across the ‘financial industry triads’— the big banks and insurance companies with their armies of salespeople dressed up as financial advisors or financial planners trying to sell their products. It might sound counterintuitive, but some financial planners are simply ‘investment sales people’ posing as planners.

The role of a REAL financial planner is to firstly, understand what you want to achieve, then map out an actual, actionable plan to get you there. We call this ‘real financial planning’ and it is all about getting a clear picture of your circumstances and building smart strategies to help you reach your financial goals.

To get a better understanding of what ‘real’ financial planning looks like, we can break it down into seven key elements.

  1. “Real” financial planning requires a genuine written financial plan
  2. Your written plan is the your ‘northern star’ for all important financial AND investment decisions
  3. Your investments are important, but they are NEVER the main focus
  4. Your plan has a list of strategies
  5. The plan is reviewed regularly
  6. The plan covers all the important things: insurance, wills, loans, etc. not just the fun things
  7. A clear action list is in place at all times and reviewed regularly

Download Or Watch Some Or All
Of Our Free Content

Like many people new to our website, you’re probably not ready to work with us just yet. And that’s completely understandable. Why not get to know us by downloading or watching some of our free content?

Wealth Potential Scorecard
Strategy Map
Our Investment Beliefs
Video Series
Case Study


Are You Still Working?
Register & Watch Webinar
Are You Retiring Soon?
Register & Watch Webinar
Are You An Investor?
Register & Watch Webinar
Interested In Property?
Coming Soon

What Clients Are Saying

Our financial goals are on track!

I knew we needed a clear and straightforward plan that focused on our specific goals. Without going through the goal setting process, I think we would have continued with ad hoc investing that reacted to markets, instead of having a very specific plan. Once everything is set up, the process really is set and forget. We have 2 simple goals: to retire “on time” with our goal retirement funds behind us; and to continue investing to support our income goals. Both of them are on track!

I give them my highest recommendation!!!

I have found Rob and his team exceptionally insightful and valuable in their down-to-earth and strategic advice over the past 13 years — and they keep getting better and better. I give them my highest recommendation!!!

We unreservedly recommend Rob McGregor and his team.

Rob has successfully managed the transition from our working lives to us becoming comfortably retired. During our over a decade long association as clients, Rob and his team presented a thoroughly professional, optimistic and supportive program on behalf of his efforts to represent us.

I always feel reassured after meeting with you.

Thank you for your honesty and for giving me faith and trust in my happy financial future.

Get Started
By Choosing Your Pathway

"I'm In My 40’s & 50’s"

Discover how we help good earners create long-term wealth and financial freedom through smart financial planning and advice.

Learn More
"I'm Retiring Soon"

Retiring soon? This is a critical time. Find out how we help pre-retirees take the smartest steps towards their retirement.

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"I've Already Retired"

Find out how we help self-funded retirees get more money AND peace of mind during retirement, without the hassles, headaches or silly risks.

Learn More

Choose Your Pathway

"I'm In My 40’s & 50’s"

Discover how we help good earners create long-term wealth and financial freedom through smart financial planning and advice.

Watch Video Series

"I'm Retiring Soon"

Retiring soon? This is a critical time. Find out how we help pre-retirees take the smartest steps towards their retirement.

Watch Video Series

"I've Already Retired"

Find out how we help self-funded retirees get more money AND peace of mind during retirement, without the hassles, headaches or silly risks.

Watch Webinar