Awards and recognition include:

Which of These Challenges Are Threatening To Derail Your Retirement Lifestyle?

Like many independent retirees, are you tired of wasting time trying to keep up with complex, ever-changing regulations and paperwork, and wish there was an easier way to get the facts so you can protect and grow your wealth?

While, on the one hand, feeling sorry for young people struggling to buy their first house, do you worry that persistently low interest rates are eroding your hard-earned savings and income?

Are you concerned that financial markets seem to be getting more volatile and uncertain, and wish there was someone experienced and client focused you could trust for advice?

Do you wish there was an easy way to double-check you’re getting the best returns from your investments, so you can maintain (and ideally improve) your lifestyle, and have more leftover to take are of (and even spoil) your family?

And if there were legitimate strategies that enabled you to spend more AND grow your wealth at the same time, wouldn’t you like to know about them?

Reserve Your Free Strategy Meeting

How We Help You Preserve Your Wealth, Boost Your Income, and Enjoy a Richer Lifestyle

Over the past 20 years, the team at McGregor Wealth Management has helped hundreds of independent retirees grow and secure their savings, wealth and cash flow.

Unlike most financial advisors who focus on market-based investment strategies (often driven by alliances with big financial institutions), the team at McGregor take a more holistic and client focused approach to help you maximise your investments, so you can enjoy a more exciting passive income in retirement.

Our process is simple and begins with a Free Wealth Potential Strategy Meeting with a specialist financial advisor, during which…

  • You’ll get a clearer picture of where you are right now in your financial journey, and what you can do to preserve (and grow) your wealth, without risking everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve
  • You’ll gain clarity over what you want the rest of your retirement to look like, and a realistic plan to increase your income no matter what happens to interest rates and financial markets
  • You’ll learn easier ways to keep up with complex, ever-changing regulations, and how to protect your capital and income from Canberra no mater who is in government
  • And you’ll explore strategies to maximise your investments so you can spend more while growing your wealth at the same time

Although many participants realise that they have to make some investment changes, they are relieved to discover there is a realistic way to protect their wealth, grow their income, and enjoy a richer lifestyle without eating into their capital.

By simply going through this exercise, many self-funded retirees feel more in control of, and optimistic about, their financial future.

Reserve Your Free Strategy Session

How Well Do These Strategies Work?

Here is a small sample of what independent investors say about how McGregor Wealth has helped them preserve their wealth, boost their income, and enjoy a more exciting retirement…

Our financial goals are on track!

I knew we needed a clear and straightforward plan that focused on our specific goals. Without going through the goal setting process, I think we would have continued with ad hoc investing that reacted to markets, instead of having a very specific plan. Once everything is set up, the process really is set and forget. We have 2 simple goals: to retire “on time” with our goal retirement funds behind us; and to continue investing to support our income goals. Both of them are on track!

I give them my highest recommendation!!!

I have found Rob and his team exceptionally insightful and valuable in their down-to-earth and strategic advice over the past 13 years — and they keep getting better and better. I give them my highest recommendation!!!

We unreservedly recommend Rob McGregor and his team.

Rob has successfully managed the transition from our working lives to us becoming comfortably retired. During our over a decade long association as clients, Rob and his team presented a thoroughly professional, optimistic and supportive program on behalf of his efforts to represent us.

I always feel reassured after meeting with you.

Thank you for your honesty and for giving me faith and trust in my happy financial future.

About Our Founder – Rob McGregor

Rob McGregor is one of Australia’s leading financial planning practitioners and thinkers, and has been recognised with numerous awards including Sunshine Coast Business of the Year (twice), BRW Top 100 Firms, Adviser of the Year, and more.

He is the founder of McGregor Wealth Management as well as the co-founder of GPS Wealth, a national financial advisory group with over 150 financial advisors.

Despite founding a large group, Rob’s true passion is helping his team create smart financial plans that produce exciting “Awesome Independent Retirements”.

Outside work, Rob is a keen surfer, active lifesaver, Treasurer of his local Surf Club, Coach of the Nippers and Patrol Captain.

About Your Free Wealth Potential Strategy Meeting

Please be assured that this Meeting will not be a thinly-disguised sales presentation. It will consist of the best intelligence we can supply within the time available. There will be NO specific financial products or investments on offer during this meeting.

There is no charge for this Meeting, but please be advised that the session must be limited to 60 minutes. This is usually enough time to understand your situation and give you numerous retirement-boosting ideas.

Your Meeting will usually take place within a few weeks of your enquiry and is usually held over the phone. After this initial phone discussion, you may wish to explore things further with additional phone or in-person meetings.

To secure a time for your Wealth Potential Strategy Meeting, please click here or call our office on (07) 5449 7200. If you’ve read this far, then please don’t delay. Although the strategies shared during this session can help you preserve (and grow) your wealth, boost your income, and enjoy a richer lifestyle, some investors leave too little time to maximise their financial outcomes because they ‘sit on the fence’ too long.

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